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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's Your Guilty Pleasure?

He is a talented fellow and I am not ashamed to say it, just don't tell anyone I said it. I don't know what it is about music that makes people so fickle in their tastes or their reluctance to open their minds to new things, but it's been that way for-like-ever.  Back in high school music defined who you hung around with. If you liked Iron Maiden you most likely had really long hair, smoked cigarettes, played in a metal band in your garage and had a generally dislike for authority. If you liked the Cure you were most likely an outcast with black eyeliner, sitting in the corner of the lunch room with a couple of people like you, chewing on a stale piece of wheat bread and moaning about the having to change clothes for gym class. My sterotypical point here is not to judge but to say that back then we had to choose sides and we had to wear it on our sleeves or in my case a stitched Zeppelin patch on the back of my jean jacket. Zeppelin Rules! There was no bouncing around from group to group, you either were or you weren't and that pretty much defines those years in school. No matter if you liked The Clash, The Ramones, REM, Van Halen or Michael Jackson you could not listen to Jimi Hendrix and also like Bananarama or at least you couldn't tell anyone about it. In those days I was a classic rocker, pretty ordinary actually, but I certainly toed the line with my tastes ranging from Judas Priest to Run DMC to Lionel Richie. Yes I said Lionel Ritchie, I loved Dancing On The Cieling and that video for Hello with the blind girl. Anyway I certainly wasn't going to admit to anything that would make me the butt of jokes anymore than I already was for getting beat up by a girl on a school bus. Come on you can't hit a girl! No one cared about that excuse. Sadly I had to keep it a secret that I had an affinity for Depeche Mode because honestly some guys might have thought I was a bit funny and that wouldn't be because I told great jokes, if you know what I mean. Horrible I know. Unfortunately these assumptions continued through college and well into adulthood even surfacing today from time to time. This is why I am going to begrudgingly admit here that I am a huge fam of Mr. Timberlake and his musical talents, because it is time to stop worrying about what other people think about my taste in music. At least thats what I am trying to tell myself. It's not like I have a poster taped to my ceiling of JT in his blue swim trunks or anything like that, I just dig his music, his dancing and sometimes his acting that's all.

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