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Monday, September 13, 2010

The MTV VMA's Were On Last Night...What A Bore!

Oh and that 'Meat Dress' was something special too. I don't know, the VMA's just aren't the important watch that they used to be, at least not for anyone over 25. Is that what's it's become? Poor production values, terrible hosts, sloppy's a recurring theme. The last few years have been incredibly inconsistent as far as the show has gone and it's completely lost it's 'event' or 'must-see' feel. Maybe it's just a bigger picture issue with the music industry in general. Lackluster record sales and low turn-outs at a lot of the summer concerts have given more indication that music is in trouble. But to me I feel like it's the music MTV tends to promote, the throwaway-no-heart-trash that has a group of tweeting loving followers who have no real connection to the music. Now I am not being judgemental, I am just stating that there are different types of music fans. The ones that MTV caters too and the ones who will follow a band no matter what direction they go. MTV basically ignores these people, which I believe is the category I fall into. I fully understand that there needs to be a bit of poppy trash in order for their to be some real artsy music to appreciate, but where was the real music at the MTV VMA's? Where was M.I.A.? Where was Arcade Fire or Gorillaz? How about Interpol promoting their just released album? My feeling is that at this point why would these types of bands or performers make any time for the VMA's when the station that produces it doesn't support them? The show always used to feature new and interesting artists or performances of an edgy band that you just had to see.....Florence and the Machines? Huh? Last night felt like the first ever VMA's back in 1985, (and yes if you are wondering I watched that night as well) like a show that was put together on the fly with no real prepearation, disjointed and uneven. The performances were less than stellar and all of it jammed into just over 2 hours, I mean the pre-show was a damn hour long. By the way what ever happened to Heavy Metal, Hard Rock and Alternative music? As far as MTV is concerned they no longer exist. Wait a minute...didn't Linkin Park perform you say? Sure they did just not at the actual awards, they were banished to the Griffith Observatory so none of their fans would be at the actual show and take away precious seats from lots of Justin Bieber loving 14 years olds. Oh well there's always the MTV Europe VMA's.

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