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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shocker! Weezer's Set At Bonnaroo Is Less Than Stellar

I mean come anyone really surprised? I knew the end was near when they had Lil Wayne guest on their last record, who does that? A band that is having an identity crisis or a mid-life crisis. Their first three albums are just so damn good and I can't accept that they have strayed so far to where the new stuff is almost unrecognizable. I am being a bit dramatic of course but that's what it is to be a fan sometimes. Often we can be blinded by how much we love a band that we will accept a few shortcomings. Then there are the occasions where after a while we just can't handle any more change (see the Red Hot Chili Peppers) and a band just becomes something completely different. This is the case for me with Weezer. They used to be so cool and underrated. Their second album, Pinkerton, was a complete commercial disaster but was and is regarded as their finest work. The Green Album marked an incredible comeback after a hiatus that almost ended the band. Who doesn't love the song 'Island In The Sun'? It's a classic. Unfortunately that was pretty much it. The two albums that followed (Maladroit, Make Believe) were ok as far as I am concerned, with a few standout tracks. However since then the last two (the Red Album, Ratitude) have been utter disappointments sounding like a band in a transition into oblivion. It's a bit harsh but they can always go play Vegas. Maybe they could write a play for Broadway....or wait they could start writing commercial jingles for Subway! Honestly I would like nothing better than for these guys to get their act together and put out an album that reminds us (and themselves) of just how good they can be.

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