...That asset would be it's 50% stake in about 250 Beatles songs. Of course Michael Has been gone for a year now but his estate continues on with a massive debt to pay off and almost considered selling the songs to Sony for $500 mil. Cooler heads prevailed however since the songs generate a huge amount of money each year and will continue to do so in the years to come. The subject of the Beatles songs being owned buy someone else other than the Beatles has always been an interesting subject for me. The question for me has always been why on Earth didn't the band members buy the songs? The fact is that the Beatles actually never really owned any of their music in their catalog because it was all owned by the people who signed the Beatles to their record contracts. The Fab Four weren't very smart in that aspect of the business and a lot of bands weren't back then. However at one point the music catalog was offered up to Paul McCartney for the sum of about $30 million dollars but he wasn't comfortable being the only one to own the songs. So he called up Yoko Ono and asked if she would like to split the $30 mil and share the songs with him, but a deal could not be reached between the two. That is when Mr. Jackson stepped in and paid a whopping $50 million for the songs. I still don't completely understand why Paul just didn't buy them himself, at least one of the Beatles would have owned them.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Dirty Projectors And Bjork Team Up For A Special EP
Just announed...The Dirty Projectors and Bjork are going to release a 7 song EP that they have collaborated on called Mount Wittenberg Orca due out 6/30/10. All proceeds will go towards the creation of international marine protected areas with the cooperation of the National Geographic Society. I am very excited to hear what this music sounds like being a long time Bjork fan and just recently being turned on to the Dirty Projectors...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Radiohead's New Album Coming Soon!
For all you Radiohead haters out there trouble is afoot. It seems that they are almost finished recording their new album, the follow-up to 2007's In Rainbows (I love that record). Ed O'Brien was reported as saying that it was only a matter of weeks before the record was done and that he hoped the record would be released this year. That's exciting. I wonder if they will approach the release the same way as the last one, releasing it with the pay-what-you-want format on their website (I paid $80 bucks for the special addition, I'm a dork I know). In reality I don't care how it's released but a lot of people in the industry will be watching and commenting and of course copying. So again for all you haters this is why Radiohead is great and if that upsets you...too freakin' bad.
Bloc Party Frontman Kele Releases Solo Album Amid Rumors Of Break Up
I'd heard that the lead singer from Bloc Party was touring on his own without the band but it didn't make me think to ask if the band had broken up or not. I mean lots of other bands have members that have side projects like Thom Yorke of Radiohead for instance. However I do remember that when Thom released his solo record, The Eraser, some people (not me) started to wonder if Radiohead was kaput. Thankfully it wasn't. So today when I saw that Kele's solo record debuted it made me think...'could Bloc Party have really broken up?' I did some checking. On a few sites there were some interesting quotes from some of the band memebers like the drummer Matt Tong who said that the band was going on a long break and that he wasn't sure he was going to return to music. Wow. Also a few months back Kele even said that he wasn't sure when or if Bloc Party was ever going to get back together to make music. Most recently however, on May 21, Kele cleared up the situation for all of us by saying that making their last record was really hard and they need some time away to do other things. He also said that he is looking forward to getting back with Bloc Party in the future to record a new record even though he still doesn't know when that will be. Good news? Maybe...stay tuned.
New Music Tuesday: 6/22/10
Philadelphia's The Roots return with How I Got Over and I fully expect this album to be as good as all their other records.
Canadian band Stars return with Five Ghosts, the follow up to In Our Bedroom After The War. I am very much looking forward to see if this album equals their first two records.
My absolute favorite electronic band, The Chemical Brothers, return with a more subdued approach on their new record Futher. No matter what these two fellows do I will always be there to support them.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Beatles 'A Day In The Life Lyrics' Sell For $1.2 Million
Above is a picture of the handwritten lyrics to the Beatles song 'A Day In The Life' written by John Lennon which just recently sold for a whopping $1.2 million. The purchaser was an anonymous american who phoned in the bid, lucky him...or her. Amazingly it wasn't the most expensive sheet ever, that was also for a Beatles tune...'All You Need Is Love' which sold for only $1.25 million back in 2005. All I can think is how cool it would be to have this hung on my wall in my livingroom right next to my Jasper Johns American Flag painting. Then I could sit in my Mies van der Rohe Barcelona Chair to look at it while sipping my Dom Perignon listening to Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band and eating a Double Double from IN-N-OUT burger. Pure heaven...actually pure fantasy.
Morcheeba: Blast From The Late 90's
I guess this is no big deal. Morcheeba released an album back in 2008 right? So it's not like this is a comeback. Oh but it is. Not since 2003 has Morcheeba had it's original lead singer, Skye Edwards, as part of the group and this album marks her triumphant return. Let me just say this, it is certainly nice to hear it. These guys have gone mostly unnoticed over the last decade all the while continuing to put out records but it just wasn't the same without Skye. For most of us a lead singers voice is what we most identify with as the sound of the band and generally when it changes so does the music. Now to the record. So far after a few listens I am happy to say that Morcheeba sound as good as ever, or should I say as chill as ever. As the Electronic movement started to grow in the late 90's, Morcheeba toiled as a relaxing alternative and garnered a large following alongside bands like Portishead, Sneaker Pimps, Massive Attack and Supreme Beings of Leisure. Great songs like "The Sea", "Blindfolded" and more distinguished them as a leader in the lounge style, electro trip-hop as some would say. Certainly the years have altered the sound a bit with this being a bit more laid back but it was already way laid back to begin with. When you want a cool slow down, pop in this new record from Morcheeba and chill on a nice summer day. Drinks are manadatory.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Joy Formidable: My New Favorite Band
The Joy Formidable are a new trio from Wales that have just released their first 8 song EP, A Balloon Called Moaning, which is available on iTunes. I first heard about these guys when I came along a YouTube fan video for their song Austere, no biggie right? Well the video, not authorized by the band, is a bit interesting as it showcases the faces of several individuals apparently giving themselves some self love, if ya know what I mean. You Tube actually pulled the video saying that it was too provacative...yeah because no one really does that to themselves. Anyway what's important here is the music. They have been heard around NYC opening up for Passion Pit and The Temper Trap all the while gaining a rabid following, including myself. There is always something interesting about a chick as the lead singer of a rock band, when it is done right (sorry Paramore but you suck) it's better than most because honestly guy singers are a dime a dozen. Please give The Joy Formidable a listen and see what you think.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
More Music News: 6/17/10 Tupac's 39th Birthday

I have to admit that I was not a fan. However there is no denying Tupac's talent and his enduring hold on the rap and hip-hop music of today nearly 14 years after his death. June 16th, 2010 would have been his 39th birthday.

Coldplay (or as I like to call them, Chris Martin and the other guys) have announced that they are currently recording their new album and hope to release it by the end of the year. Hopefully, in my opinion, Coldplay return to their more darker sound of their previous albums because Viva La Vida was a bit to happy for my liking.
The re-formed Squeeze are releasing their first new album since 1998, Spot the Difference, in August and I am very excited to hear the new stuff. These guys have been a favorite of mine since I was a kid and I don't think they get enough credit for all the great music they have produced. To further illustrate how long these guys have been around (since 1974), Squeeze will be performing on LIVE with Regis and Kelly on July 8th...it's actually kind of scary, but I will probably watch it.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Music News 6/16/10: Interpol Set Release Date
Interpol have announced on their website that they will be releasing their fourth studio effort on September 14th. This is very good news especially after they had previously announced the departure of their original bassist Carlos D. last month. Looking forward to hearing the new stuff!
Klaxons have announced their follow-up to 2007's Myths Of The Near Future which will be released on August 23rd. This rather experimental British outfit has some great tunes and I can't wait for the new music.
In the only significant new release (in my mind) this week is Devo's first album in 20 years, Something For Everbody. I think they meant that literally because all 12 tracks on the album were chosen by their fans including the order in which they play. How cool.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Shocker! Weezer's Set At Bonnaroo Is Less Than Stellar
I mean come on...is anyone really surprised? I knew the end was near when they had Lil Wayne guest on their last record, who does that? A band that is having an identity crisis or a mid-life crisis. Their first three albums are just so damn good and I can't accept that they have strayed so far to where the new stuff is almost unrecognizable. I am being a bit dramatic of course but that's what it is to be a fan sometimes. Often we can be blinded by how much we love a band that we will accept a few shortcomings. Then there are the occasions where after a while we just can't handle any more change (see the Red Hot Chili Peppers) and a band just becomes something completely different. This is the case for me with Weezer. They used to be so cool and underrated. Their second album, Pinkerton, was a complete commercial disaster but was and is regarded as their finest work. The Green Album marked an incredible comeback after a hiatus that almost ended the band. Who doesn't love the song 'Island In The Sun'? It's a classic. Unfortunately that was pretty much it. The two albums that followed (Maladroit, Make Believe) were ok as far as I am concerned, with a few standout tracks. However since then the last two (the Red Album, Ratitude) have been utter disappointments sounding like a band in a transition into oblivion. It's a bit harsh but they can always go play Vegas. Maybe they could write a play for Broadway....or wait they could start writing commercial jingles for Subway! Honestly I would like nothing better than for these guys to get their act together and put out an album that reminds us (and themselves) of just how good they can be.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Greatest Song Ever....No I Really Mean It!
I have to be honest with you...I am not really this cool. I actually don't know everything there is to know about music and often find that I am way behind the curve on a lot of really great bands. Such is the case with Steely Dan. Now of course I have always known Steely Dan's music since it's been playing on the radio since I was like 1, but I don't think I ever gave it any respect. I always bunched it in with 70's music that sounded good but was never worth buying. Back in 2000 I was watching the Grammy's, like I usually do, and was completely shocked when Steely Dan, which I didn't even know was still making music, beat out Eminem for Album of the Year. What a crock I thought, just another sentimental award for a band that catered to the baby boomer generation. At the time I felt I was right (just like in 98 when they gave the award to Dylan) as it seemed that they were giving out an award for lifetime achievement instead of for best Album. It wasn't until last year while watching a documentary on HBO about the Oakland Athletics of the early 70's (it's a baseball team) where I started to have a change of heart towards Steely Dan. At the end of the doc, during the credits, they played a song I hadn't heard in a really long time, but I didn't know who it was. A little insight into me...when I hear a song that I like and I don't know who it is, I will not stop searching until I find out and own it. The song was 'Dirty Work' off of Steely Dan's very first album, Can't Buy A Thrill, from all the way back in 1972. Thanks to iTunes I was able to buy the song and now I basically put it in every mix I ever make. Whether you agree with me or not, this is the Greatest Song Of All Time, period! Sorry to Prince and 'When Doves Cry', Led Zeppelin and 'Stairway To Heaven', Nirvana and 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', The Beatles and 'Yesterday', Guns N' Roses and 'November Rain' and Marvin Gaye's Mercy, Mercy, Me (ok this was an extremely close second). I am sure everyone has an opinion, but this is mine. Just this week while looking for the new Hot Hot Heat record at Best Buy I noticed that they had a copy of 'Can't Buy A Thrill' and it was only $7.99. So I scooped it up and ran to the cashier. What a purchase! It is one good freakin' album. The other standouts on the record are 'Do It Again' and 'Reelin' In The Years', but honestly the whole thing stands out and I am damn glad for purchasing the album and not just sitting on the one song. Let me repeat myself, 'Dirty Work' is the best song ever and I dare anyone to tell me different. Actually I would love for everyone to tell me different. If you feel up to it, let me know your thoughts on what you think is the best song of all time, but only after you download and listen to 'Dirty Work' in it's entireity!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What Really Happened To Record Stores And The Music Business...In My Opinion
I don't know about you but I loved going to record stores. Wherever I lived I needed to know where the closest shop was because I knew I would be spending a lot of time there. Now I am not talking about Best Buy, Circuit City, Walmart or Target, I am talking about the local record shop and the stores that only sold records. When you walked into a real record shop you knew that if you had a question about a record that someone inside was going to know something about it. If they didn't have what you were looking for they would order it for you and call you when it came in. Those days are long gone. The internet has assured us that we will never run out of music, electronic files are never out of stock which some might say is better than the old days. Of course I disagree. Just because something is more convenient doesn't make it better. We have become more and more disconnected with our music the more we become connected through the web. It would be easy for me to blame the technology in what it has done to music, but when in reality technology has been a huge help to the music industry however only when it has been used properly. This leads me to my specific point and who I place the blame on, the record companies and the industry itself. I really think that they took us, the fans, for granted and believed that they could do whatever they wanted. For example when they changed the formats of the music, specifically when they changed over to compact discs. Vinyl production is a very expensive process and does not guarantee a lifetime of durability, so initially the CD was partially a welcome change. The sound was better, they lasted longer and were a lot smaller to carry around. They were also way cheaper to produce but those savings were not passed on to us the consumer, in fact prices actually increased. Matters got worse when the big box stores, a la Walmart, started to sell music, effectively pricing out the record stores. Walmart (the worst offender) could purchase huge numbers of cd's and price them accordingly, effectively steering the business in a more price driven direction which was not good. Since when did we purchase our music based on price? To go off on a bit of a tangent, Walmart became such a power in the industry that they demanded certain records to be cleaned up for their stores essentially censoring the music we wanted to listen to, how fucked up is that. So by changing the way we purchased our music moving it more towards the price, it forever altered our perception and gave us reason to look towards other avenues. Like file sharing. Record stores just couldn't compete and were getting squeezed by the industry that it helped to build. For instance a cd over at Tower Records that was going for $13.99 could easily be found at a store like Target for a couple of dollars less. You'd walk into the local record shop, finger through the cd's, look at the posters on the wall, listen to the music playing over head and then drive on over to the Best Buy to make the purchase because it was cheaper. The record stores were doing all the work and getting none of the credit. Honestly I have to admit to doing just that, but what else was I supposed to do, I was almost forced into it. I would have loved to have purchased all my music through a record shop but couldn't afford to spend the extra money. The record companies didn't have to do this to us, they could have charged less for the music from the start as well as offering us some better product. Yes for a time they also disregarded the quality of the content they were pushing on us especially towards the end of the 90's and beginning of the 2000's. The industry seemed to think that it needed to regurgitate the trends of the past giving us probably the most bland period in music history. Not to say that there wasn't great music during that time, there was. The rock scene at the time was exploding with new and emerging artist but the industry basically ignored it by leaning towards the pop and hip-hop artists which, I am sorry, don't have quite the staying power. Throw-away music is what I like to call it, not that's it's completely bad but it's the music you too often forget. Through the decades before this period there had always been a great mix of styles showing up on the charts. Where you had Marvin Gaye next to the Beatles and Huey Lewis and the News next to Run DMC, it kept the industry healthy and offered everyone an option. So when the industry types (some musicians too) started to complain about illegal file sharing hurting their business it fell on deaf ears because they were blaming the consumer when all along they should have been looking in the mirror. They were too slow (or too arrogant) to react to the emerging technology to put protections in place before it all strted to go down the tubes, when actually all they had to do was respect the consumer from the beginning. Unfortunately the record stores were caught completely in the middle and have been a dying breed ever since. But the industry, the music itself, is coming around and more and more the artists are relying on themselves to promote their music. Most recently Thom Yorke of Radiohead commented..."It's only a matter of time before the music business establishment completely folds. I guess I would say don't tie yourself to the sinking ship." He thinks that bands should release their music directly to their fans and as challenging as that sounds it's still better. Now would record stores still have eventually disappeared? Probably yes, everything we know changes eventually, but it's just hard for me to let go. Then again I have to change too.
What Happens To Your Music When Yor Computer Dies?
You are probably gonna cry. Thats because most of us don't have our electronic music collection backed up on an external drive. And beware if you have deleted your music on your computer and only have it on your iPod, you're up shits creek too (that means you're screwed FYI). Moving into this new digital age has it's advantages as well, few as they may be. I have stated many times that I am not completely a fan of the medium but unfortunately have no say in the matter. Obviously not having hard copies has it's benefits. No waste product which helps the environment, plus it doesn't have to be packed up when you move. There are also no emissions from factories making cd's so you are eliminating that carbon footprint. Then there is easy access. You don't have to get off your fat tush and go to the store to purchase music much to the delight of our more and more obese society. You can preview 30 second snippets of songs, buy only the songs you like and no one has to know about it either. Uh-oh your computer is not turning on! Oh shit you never backed up your data and now all your music is gone...it's a rare occurrance I know but something we should all think about. What we all need to do is go out and buy a back-up drive that is separate from our computer, preferably one with enourmous storage capabilities. Then transfer a copy of all your music over to it and you're saved (no pun intended). It's also convenient when you purchase a new computer so you don't have to spend your time trying to transfer over all your data before wiping the memory on your computer, just wipe away because it's all on your external. For crazies like myself, more than one drive may be necessary to back up all your data, so don't be cheap and remember this stuff is very important, is it not?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
New Music Tuesday 6/8/10
So I guess I should say that these are the new albums out today that I am most interested in, sorry Christina Aguilera I have no intention of talking about your new record. First up is Tokyo Police Club (not to be confused with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, they are way different) and their new album Champ. I have loved everything they have put out so far and fully expect to enjoy this one as well.
Next on the list is Rooney, a quintet from La La Land, and their 3rd full length record, Eureka. So far I have enjoyed their first two pop rock efforts and want to see if their sound has changed at all. In the learn something new everyday department: Rooney got their name from the pricipal in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Ed Rooney.
My most anticipated release out of the bunch is Hot Hot Heat's Future Breeds and I will be running out to pick it up after work is done. This is their fourth full length album and being that they are one of my favorite bands, I am sure that I will like it. I will like it a lot.
Teenage Fanclub has been around for a long time, mostly under the radar in America, but are considered to be a great UK outfit. I have to agree but honestly have not really heard much of their stuff since their biggest album in the States way back in 1991, Bandwagonesque, which SPIN magazine has as one of their 125 greatest albums of the last 25 years...if you are into that sort of thing. When a band hangs around as long as these guys have they are certainly worth looking back into for a listen.
Music News 6/8/10: Bands Pulling Out Of Shows In Israel
The Pixies, Gorillaz and the Klaxons have all pulled themselves out of shows in Israel due to the recent events involving the Gaza strip. It was not officially stated in any of the press releases, but it's
most certainly a protest of Israel's blockade of humanitarian efforts in which 9 people have already died.
In lighter news: Kings Of Leon debut news songs in Atlantic City. This past Saturday marked the start of KOL's summer tour in which the band played a 90 minute set for a smallish crowd of 2500, in which they played a few of their news songs...so excited for this album!
Snow Patrol have announced that they will be back in the studio this October and expect a new album sometime next year.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Greatest Band In The World? How Should I Friggin' Know.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Why Do We Care So Much About What Other People Think About The Music We Listen To?
Personally I like to show off how cool I am with awesome mixes of songs that everyone wants a copy of so I can go on and on about my music collection. Yup that about sums me up. For me my music is as important to me as say food, I am crazy about both and need them equally as much because without music I'd probably die much in the way I would if I never ate anything. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but it's true. If I could carry all my music with me everyday so everyone could see what I've got in my collection I would, and I'm not talking about my iPod either (Love my iPod btw, probably one of my favorite things in the whole world). When you were younger the music you listened to defined who you were. If you were into metal you had long hair, wore a lot of black clothing, probably had a silver spiked bracelet and generally hung around with other people just like you. If you listened to the Dead you wore a lot of Tye-dyed shirts, smoked a ton of weed, smelled like Petiole Oil and often wore a burlap poncho. Back in High School that was cool. I wasn't a very memorable kid back then at least not until I wore my concert shirt from Pink Floyd's 1988 world tour to school that is. Immediately I was accepted into another group of kids who liked Floyd and liked to smoke a lot of weed too, even if I had never even taken a puff they assumed I had so I didn't say shit. But as you get older and become responsible (or semi-responsible in my case) you lose the ability to wear your music on your sleeve, so-to-speak, because honestly listening to Marylin Manson isn't going to make you anymore money at the office. This is why, when we have the chance, in the right situations we love to spout out as much musical knowledge as possible because if we didn't no one would know and that sucks. And it's getting worse with the soon-to-be-extinct record stores dropping like flies. I mean I used to be able to go to a record shop and find someone else who wanted to talk music as much as I did. There ain't no-one at iTunes who wants to listen to my bullshit and that's putting it mildly. And NO, commenting on music sites or putting your review of the new Weezer record (it sucks) doesn't count. Yes, going to shows at small venues is great, where you get to rub elbows with other fans like you and because just being there automatically makes you cool. But not everyone goes to shows anymore. Did I answer my question yet? I don't know. What I do know is that music is a profound part of a lot of peoples lives and it means an awful lot to me and that makes me want to share. Do I share to be cool? Yes of course because why else would I, but also because it's no fun to listen to the music you love if you have no one to listen to it with.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Worst Movie With The Best Soundtrack? Tank Girl (1995)
Actually I kind of like this movie but it is definitely a bad one. They certainly couldn't have picked a better Tank Girl than Lori Petty who basically took the look into her real life after filming and I don't believe we have seen much of her in the 15 years since. Based on the comic of the same name, the movie plays out much like an actual comic book would but unfortunately lacked the budget that the material deserved. Now to the important stuff: the soundtrack. After the huge bust out success of The Crow soundtrack the year before, Tank Girl offered up stiff competition with an eclectic mix of tracks from some of 1995's brightest artists. Bjork, Hole, Bush, Portishead, L7, Belly, Veruca Salt and Ice-T (who also acted in the film) and all contributed to the collaboration with outstanding results. But if that wasn't enough: Devo added an updated version of their famous 80's tune Girl U Want, Joan Jett and Paul Westerberg did a remake of a Cole Porter tune called Lets Do It, The Magnificent Bastards (Scott Weilands STP side project) debuted a new tune called Mockingbird Girl and the theater group Stomp joined in with an instrumental to lead off the album. What sticks out to me still is that there is not a throwaway tune in the bunch and all significantly add to the feel of the movie. I remember buying the cd a couple of weeks before seeing the movie and after the first listen wondering who that group Bush was. Their entry was a tune called Bomb, and for me a real standout, so much so that I immediately searched out their first record. It was a mere few months before Bush became a huge hit on MTV and I was excited to get more of a taste for their music since the aforementioned track was so damn good. Not that I was completely disappointed but lets just say the rest of the album sounded completely different and not exactly what I was looking for. You win some, you lose some. The soundtrack also got me into Bjork who I had pretty much ignored up until that point, but when I first heard Army of Me I was astounded. This woman with an amazing voice singing over this music that was loud, angry and unique...just simply one of those wow moments that I look back on and say...wow. I can certainly think of a lot of great movies with amazing soundtracks where the film and the songs go hand in hand (Apocalypse Now, The Matrix, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Titanic...just kidding), but I can not think of another film where the disparity between bad film and great soundtrack is so huge.
Some of the amazing art of the comic by Jamie Hewlett
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
How To Destroy Angels: Free EP Download
Trent Reznors new band has just made a 6 song EP available for free download on their website, http://www.howtodestroyangels.com/. I am not sure how long it will be up there for free because they are releasing it on CD on July 6th. Also on the site is their creepy new video for the song The Space In Between, but I will let you judge for yourself below...enjoy! (Sorry to send this again but the video fits now)
Justin Bieber Should Be Deported Or At Least Punched In The Stomach
Wipe that stupid look off your face little boy, this is the US Governent calling and we've decided to send you back to Canada where you belong. Damn Canadians. I mean could anyone possibly be more annoying? Have you heard this kid talk? I just want to take a pair of shears and shave off all his hair, then what would he do...cry I hope. Maybe a good punch in the gut would work as well. Of course then I would be despised by every single girl under the age of 16. Angry mobs of little women with their Tiger Beat Issues in hand, prepping to burn me on a stake in my front yard. Some things are just worth it. What brought me to this point you ask? Rolling Stone Magazines website, that's what. I was looking thru their site the other day perusing the latest music news when I came upon a tab showcasing great music photos. Intrigued I opened it up to find that this kids face was everywhere! I mean do I really need to see a photo of him on the beach in Australia? Is that really a picture of interest for Rolling Stone readers? Next they will have shots of him eating a bowl of Captain Crunch while his Mommy fills his lunchbox with Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches (I love a good PB&J). What this kid really needs is to go to school and be a kid. The last thing we need is another story of a child burned out from all the fame and excess who at 25 has lost it all and is a recovering alcoholic. Actually that might be pretty interesting...nevermind what I just said. Please don't tell my 8 year old daughter that I wrote this.
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