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Monday, November 15, 2010

Some Music Just Isn't Meant For Head Phones

I've been a little bored with music lately and most everything I have been listening to just isn't doing it for me. I'm having a hard time distinguishing whether the music is either really good or just simply ok. One in particular would be the new Kings Of Leon album, 'Come Around Sundown,' which since purchasing it a few weeks back I have listened to maybe 3 times from start to finish. As of yet I haven't decided whether I think it's one of their better records but it's not because I don't like it. You know when you hear that really great song and just can't stop listening to it? I don't think I have really had that in some time and that's disturbing to me since I derive such tremendous joy from the music I listen to, at least I used to. Thankfully my friends I have just recently discovered the it f**king loud! No, not on your head phones you dolt. I mean on the home stereo system that you've got at home. Wait, you don't have a home system? All you have is one of those little tiny iPod docks that doesn't offer any real sound at all? Oh man that sucks because let me tell you, in today's age of take-it-with-you-when-you-go, we've lost some of that put-on-a-record-and-blast-it-loud-so-the-neighbors-can-hear-it sort of thing and our music just isn't sounding the same. That means that it isn't leaving a mark. So for the first time in a long while I connected my iPod to my old SONY receiver in my living room, choosing the new Kings record to play while I did some tidying up. My first thought I listening to a different record because this shit sounds amazing! What a difference, it's crazy how good music can sound when it is properly played...I think I had forgotten that a bit. So now when I am having difficulty deciding whether I like a record or not I now know that all I need to do is crank up the speakers and get back to destroying my eardrums just like I used to.

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