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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Arcade Fire's 'The Suburbs' Is So Good It's Ridiculous!

I know I am completely biased about Arcade Fire but I don't think there has been a finer record released this year so far and I don't think there will be either. Exquisite. Heartfelt. Sorrowful. Beautiful. Poignant. I could most certainly go on describing the album with pointedly chosen words but really it must be experienced. Now if you haven't been lucky enough to listen and appreciate the music of Arcade Fire now is the time to pounce much like a leopard to it's prey, you must feed. This is how I feel about a lot of my music, it's just as important to me as food and that is my paradox, I must eat to survive (not cheeseburgers) and listen to music to live. Right now only one other group holds more power over me than Arcade Fire and that is Radiohead, very high praise indeed for the group from Montreal since Radiohead have been a part of my life for more than 15 years. There's just something about what Arcade Fire is doing, where they fit in...or do they? There is so much music these days, while really good, that sounds so similar that you might in fact confuse many of the bands you are listening too, a very common occurrence in the history of music. However there are those select few that no matter what happens they always stand out. Their music is up just a bit higher on the pedestal and it stays there to be remembered. And this is where Arcade Fire reside now that they have released their third album. Prior to that, two albums was clearly not enough to judge so highly but it was pretty close. So far several songs really stand out to me, not to say that there is a bad song in the bunch because there isn't. The opener 'The Suburbs' is a fantastic way to begin with the equally great 'Ready To Start' following at number two. 'Rococo' the number three track has a haunting forget it, every song is freakin' great, I could be here all day. Just go out and pick this up....I repeat get off your lazy ass, step away from the computer, go to the store and remember what it feels like to buy a new album. P.S. I ain't burning a copy for no one, you are on your own.

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